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A Unified Framework for Sparse Non-Negative Least Squares using Multiplicative Updates and the Non-Negative Matrix Factorization Problem

机译:一种用于稀疏非负最小二乘的统一框架   乘法更新和非负矩阵分解问题



We study the sparse non-negative least squares (S-NNLS) problem. S-NNLSoccurs naturally in a wide variety of applications where an unknown,non-negative quantity must be recovered from linear measurements. We present aunified framework for S-NNLS based on a rectified power exponential scalemixture prior on the sparse codes. We show that the proposed frameworkencompasses a large class of S-NNLS algorithms and provide a computationallyefficient inference procedure based on multiplicative update rules. Such updaterules are convenient for solving large sets of S-NNLS problems simultaneously,which is required in contexts like sparse non-negative matrix factorization(S-NMF). We provide theoretical justification for the proposed approach byshowing that the local minima of the objective function being optimized aresparse and the S-NNLS algorithms presented are guaranteed to converge to a setof stationary points of the objective function. We then extend our framework toS-NMF, showing that our framework leads to many well known S-NMF algorithmsunder specific choices of prior and providing a guarantee that a popularsubclass of the proposed algorithms converges to a set of stationary points ofthe objective function. Finally, we study the performance of the proposedapproaches on synthetic and real-world data.
机译:我们研究了稀疏的非负最小二乘(S-NNLS)问题。 S-NNLS自然出现在各种各样的应用中,其中必须从线性测量中恢复未知的非负量。我们提出了一种基于稀疏代码之前的整流幂指数比例混合的S-NNLS统一框架。我们表明,提出的框架涵盖了一大类S-NNLS算法,并提供了基于乘法更新规则的高效计算推理程序。这样的更新规则便于同时解决大量S-NNLS问题,这在稀疏非负矩阵分解(S-NMF)等环境中是必需的。我们通过证明稀疏的目标函数的局部极小稀疏性和提出的S-NNLS算法可保证收敛到目标函数的一组固定点,为提出的方法提供了理论依据。然后,我们将框架扩展到S-NMF,这表明我们的框架在特定的先验选择下导致了许多众所周知的S-NMF算法,并保证了所提出算法的流行子类收敛到目标函数的一组固定点。最后,我们研究了拟议方法在合成和真实数据上的性能。



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